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dead ground造句

"dead ground"是什么意思  
  • To fix the situation, an intermediate fort was built to cover the dead ground.
  • The right hand brigade retreated slightly to dead ground to avoid massed machine-gun fire.
  • Dead ground squirrels found in the family's woodpile were later determined to have had plague.
  • At the wire entanglements were in dead ground and could not been seen by artillery observers.
  • There they were subjected to a heavy artillery bombardment from the dead ground beyond the third ridge.
  • As the fighting subsided, 2 Platoon continued to be harassed with RPGs by insurgents occupying the dead ground.
  • The Chinese style generally showed only a distant view, or used dead ground or mist to avoid that difficulty.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Cheape of the Warwicks led the force into dead ground to about from the Turkish guns unobserved.
  • This eliminated dead ground making it possible for the defenders to fire upon any point directly in front of the bastion.
  • The brigade finally reached some dead ground where the guns could not hit them, but French skirmishers began picking off the soldiers.
  • It's difficult to see dead ground in a sentence. 用dead ground造句挺难的
  • Block 2 suffered from restricted fields of fire to the west and southwest, which were covered only by an automatic rifle dead ground.
  • The second line consisted of British and Hanoverian troops under Sir Thomas Picton, who were lying down in dead ground behind the ridge.
  • Two companies moved to clear the kraal and lined the rim of the cliff with a further company to fire into the dead ground.
  • Standing patrols are usually small ( half section / section ) static patrols intended to provide early warning, security or to guard some geographical feature, such as dead ground.
  • Consequently, the British planned an assault following insertion by helicopter early on the morning of 31 May, landing in dead ground about away from the house, and attacking the house.
  • This interesting plan is the result of tactical experimentation that the keep underwent during the mid-12th century to improve the defense of towers against missiles and to reduce dead ground.
  • If possible, it may reverse away from a crest, and try to find a route forward through the relative safety of hidden low ground ( " dead ground " ).
  • Dead ground around the landing site forced the British to establish a lengthy perimeter, along which the 29th Division troops were placed in the centre and marines on the flanks.
  • A few days after its arrival on 26 September, five airplanes were lost out of a formation of seven planes over the lines, and one returned with a dead ground observer.
  • The reason for this was to ensure that every bastion could be supported with fire from an adjacent bastion, leaving no " dead ground " for an attacker to take cover in.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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